Category Archives: Cod de punctaj

Cateva cuvinte despre codul de punctaj 2017 || Exercitii sub lupa – barna Catalinei Ponor

Anul 2017  reprezinta nu doar startul unui nou ciclu olimpic, ci si introducerea unui nou cod de punctaj.  Nu as putea spune ca vorbim cu adevarat de un cod nou, deoarece modificarile aduse nu sunt unele menite sa schimbe drastic

[Montage] The new CV on uneven bars under the 2013 – 2016 Code

(or watch it here) Beth Tweddle announced her retirement after the 2012 London Olympics, but it looks like the new code connection value formulas were inspired by her bars routines. From now on the only way you can get the

[Review] The 2013 – 2016 Code of Points in WAG

“An artistic performance is one in which the gymnast demonstrates her ability to transform the exercise from a well constructed composition into a performance. In so doing the gymnast must demonstrate creativity, confidence of performance, personal style and perfect technique.

[Review] Codul de punctaj la gimnastica artistica (2013 – 2016)

O prezentare artistica este una in care gimnasta isi demonstreaza abilitatea de a-si transforma exercitiul dintr-o compozitie bine structurata intr-o performanta/evolutie. Pentru a face asta, gimnasta trebuie sa dea dovada de creativitate , incredere, stil personal si tehnica perfecta. Nu