Tag Archives: fabrica de medalii
Fabrica de medalii – 10 martie 2012
Digi Sport ne-a adus astazi un nou episod din emisiunea Fabrica de medalii. Dupa un sir de episoade in care am facut cunostinta cu mai multe cluburi de gimnastica, azi am putut afla ce mai fac componentele lotului olimpic al
Noutati la final de an #1
2011 se apropie de final si odata cu el gimnastica artistica din Romania mai incheie un capitol din frumoasa si bogata ei istorie. Am incercat sa facem un bilant al celor mai importante noutati din ultima saptamana: Pe 18 decembrie,
The 2011 Romanian Nationals @ The Medal Factory Ep.16
[The Medal Factory – episode 16 (c) DigiSport] TRANSLATION Dana Andrei: “I will never regret doing gymnastics” Raluca Haidu was born in Petrosani on the 20th of November, 1994. Her dad took her to do gymnastics at the “Cetate Deva”
The 2011 Romanian Nationals @ The Medal Factory Ep.15
[The Medal Factory – episode 15 (c) DigiSport] TRANSLATION Cristi Moldovan:“As a gymnast, the power is in your hands. As a coach, when you get to the competition your work is over. Only the gymnast can show what she has
Ana Porgras – “If you cannot get on that podium for Romania, you are missing something…” @ The Medal Factory Ep.13
[The Medal Factory – episode 13 (c) DigiSport] TRANSLATION Ana Porgras, a Romanian gymnast with exceptional results and one of the most important members of the national team, is training for the most important competition, the Olympic Games. Until then,
“We used to winning many medals, as we actually had a Medal Factory” – Nadia Comaneci @ The Medal Factory – episode 10
[The Medal Factory: episode 10 – (c)Digisport] TRANSLATION: Nadia Comaneci has been a model for every generation of gymnasts, she has amazed the entire world with her talent and winning over their respect and appreciation. Today at The Medal Factory: