Category Archives: Ana Porgras

Octavian Bellu: “We don’t want to take any risk with Izbasa”

From Adevarul: Octavian Bellu, head coach of the Romanian gymnastics team, said on Friday he didn´t want to take chances with Sandra Izbasa, who is still feeling some pain in the foot she had surgery on, so he didn´t include

Victorie pentru echipa feminina de gimnastica la Erzingen

Echipa feminina de gimnastica artistica a Romaniei a castigat competitia amicala de la Erzingen, unde au mai concurat gimnastele tarii gazda (Germania) si cele ale Elevtiei. Campioana mondiala en-titre la barna, Ana Porgras, si-a demonstrat inca o data valoarea, reusind

Ana Porgras – “If you cannot get on that podium for Romania, you are missing something…” @ The Medal Factory Ep.13

[The Medal Factory – episode 13 (c) DigiSport] TRANSLATION Ana Porgras, a Romanian gymnast with exceptional results and one of the most important members of the national team, is training for the most important competition, the Olympic Games. Until then,

The Romanian girls before the 2011 European Championships

From GSP Amelia Racea, Ana Porgras and Diana Chelaru cannot wait to compete in the European Championships in Berlin (which will take place April 6-10). European beam champion, World beam champion and silver medalist on floor, all want to conquer

Campionatul European de gimnastica artistica – Berlin 2011 [UPDATE]

8 2 zile. Atat a mai ramas pana la startul Campionatelor Europene de gimnastica artistica. Intre 4 si 10 aprilie, Max-Schmeling Halle din Berlin va gazdui cea de-a patra editie a Europenelor individuale de gimnastica artistica. Peste 280 de gimnasti,

The Romanian teams for the 2011 European Championships

According to UEG Women: Ana Porgras, Diana Chelaru, Sandra Izbasa and Amelia Racea; Men: Flavius Koczi, Vlad Cotuna, Andrei Ursache and Cristian Bataga