Tag Archives: aliya mustafina
GymNews – 01 martie 2014
De astazi vom da startul unei noi categorii pe blog. Diana ne va face un sumar saptamanal al celor mai importante noutati din gimnastica, atat din cea romaneasca cat si din cea internationala. Toate noutatile vor sta sub umbrela #GymNews,
3 non-Romanian gymnastics performances I enjoyed in 2013
As we draw to the end of this year, I cannot help but wonder at how quickly it seems to have passed. 2013 was a year of transition, from an Olympic cycle to another. We left London behind and started
Women artistic gymnastics in 2012 – the best routine on each apparatus
2013 is just around the corner, but we shouldn’t forget the fact that 2012 was an incredible year for artistic gymnastics. It was the year of the London Olympics, where many dreams came true for the most of the gymnasts.
Noutati la final de an #1
2011 se apropie de final si odata cu el gimnastica artistica din Romania mai incheie un capitol din frumoasa si bogata ei istorie. Am incercat sa facem un bilant al celor mai importante noutati din ultima saptamana: Pe 18 decembrie,
Doua finale – doua medalii
Prima zi a finalelor Campionatelor Europene de Gimnastica de la Berlin s-a dovedit a fi plina de surprize, mai ales placute. In competitia baietilor, Flavius Koczi a reusit sa cucereasca medalia de argint la individual compus. Cu un mare potential