Tag Archives: andrei muntean
Echipele Romaniei pentru Europenele de gimnastica de la Berna (2016)
[GHID] Campionatele Mondiale de gimnastica artistica – Glasgow 2015
[GHID] Campionatele Europene de gimnastica – Montpellier 2015
Campionatele Europene 2015 Montpellier, frumosul oras din sudul Frantei, gazduieste in aceasta saptamana (15 – 19 aprilie 2015) cea de-a VI-a editie a Campionatelor Europene individuale la gimnastica artistica. Fiind o editie individuala, singurele medalii puse in joc sunt cele
Larisa Iordache and Andrei Muntean dominated while the Romanian teams came in 2nd
First of all, I would like to thank The Couch Gymnast for their amazing work: real time information, results and priceless videos. Please check their Facebook page | Website. The Nanning World Championships are just around the corner and everyone
5 things we learned at the 2014 Romanian Nationals
Podium Ceremony – Balance Beam (c)RomGym.ro 1) There is hope on the men’s side, but Rio 2016 still seems to be an impossible mission for the team coordinated by Ioan Suciu. Anyway, things are looking a little bit better, thanks to Andrei
GymNews – 24 martie 2014
Activitate competitionala Dupa un concurs de calificare reusit la Cottbus World Cup, Andreea Munteanu a avut o zi mai slaba si a ratat atat in finala de la barna cat si in cea de la sol. Cu toate acestea, Andreea